VitePress and Markdown guide
This document will help the community to mainstream Naemon users guide to make it easy to follow with a common look and feel for the best user experience possible.
VitePress and Markdown syntax
Our website including the documentation are built upon VitePress and Markdown syntax at Github.
Markdown and HTML
It's possible to use both Markdown and HTML when writing code.
For more information how to use Github's version of Markdown, see this web site:
Also the VitePress documentation contains a lot of good Markdown examples if you want to insert code blocs, alerts or Emojis 🎉.
It's not possible to use Markdown inside a HTML block. Don't forget that <table>...</table> are inside a HTML block as well
Example - Invalid use of Markdown
<p>This is **bold** text</p>
This is **bold** text
Example - Valid use of Markdown
This is **bold** text
Result: This is bold text
Font Awesome
All Font Awesome Free icons are available.
This is a thumb up <i class="fa-solid fa-thumbs-up"></i>
This is a thumb up
For more icons see