Livestatus API
See Also
Livestatus Query Language (LQL) is a lightweight and efficient way to query monitoring data from Naemon. It is designed for fast data retrieval and filtering of monitoring objects like hosts and services.
Livestatus is a NEB module and needs to be loaded in the Naemon core using the broker_module
configure option.
An LQL query consists of:
- Table Selection - Determines the data source (e.g., hosts, services, contacts).
- Output Format - Specifies if the result should be JSON or CSV.
- Column Selection - Specifies which fields should be returned.
- Filtering Conditions - Filters the data based on conditions.
- Sorting and Limiting - Orders and restricts results.
GET <table name>
OutputFormat: <output format>
Columns: <column name> <column name> ...
Filter: <column name> <operator> <value>
Limit: <number of lines>
Offset: <number of lines>
Sort: <column name> <asc/desc>
Example Query:
GET services
Columns: host_name description state
Filter: state = 2
Sort: host_name
A simple query can make use if the tool unixcat
which comes along with livestatus or the lq
wrapper in OMD.
echo -e "GET services\nColumns: host_name description\nLimit: 5\n" \
| unixcat /var/cache/naemon/live
Table Selection
The query must start with the GET keyword, followed by the table name:
GET hosts
See the tables reference section for a list of available columns.
Output Format
The output format can be specified using the OutputFormat
header. The default is json
, but csv
or wrapped_json
is also supported.
OutputFormat: wrapped_json
Column Selection
The columns to be returned can be specified using a space separated list. See the tables reference section for a list of available columns.
Columns: name state last_check
Filtering Conditions
Use Filter:
to include only matching rows:
Filter: state = 0 # Only return OK services
Multiple filters use logical AND
by default. Use Or:
for OR conditions:
Filter: state = 2
Filter: state = 1
Or: 2
This returns services that are either WARNING (1) or CRITICAL (2).
Statistics Queries
Aggregate functions like counting:
GET hosts
Stats: state = 0
Stats: state = 1
Stats: state = 2
Stats: state = 3
Counts hosts bei their state.
Extended Functionality
In addition, Naemon's Livestatus has been improved by the following features:
Sort Support
Sort: <column name> <asc/desc>
Sorts the result set by the specified column in the given direction. Multiple Sort lines can be added. First sort line takes precedence.
GET services
Sort: host_name asc
Sort: description desc
Offset: <number of lines>
Lines to skip from the beginning of the result set. Useful for pagination in combination with Limit header.
GET services
Limit: 100
Offset: 300
OutputFormat: wrapped_json
An extension to the json output format. The result set is packed in a json object, with a couple of possible fields:
- columns: an array of column names. (optional)
- data: an array of arrays, describing the result set, in the same syntax common json output, without embedded column names.
- total_count: The number of lines in the result set, except the limitation of Limit and Offset headers.
GET services
OutputFormat: wrapped_json
TCP support
New in version 1.2.0.
Support querying Livestatus over TCP instead of the default UNIX socket. This is enabled through a broker_module
configure option.
Example configuring Livestatus to listen on TCP port 11621 on all available IPv4 interfaces:
broker_module=/usr/lib64/ inet_addr=
Module Options
The livestatus module is usually loaded from the /etc/naemon/module-conf.d/livestatus.cfg
broker_module=/usr/lib64/naemon/naemon-livestatus/ debug=0 /var/cache/naemon/live
The module accepts a number of options:
Changes encoding style.
Possible values:
broker_module=.../ data_encoding=utf8 ...
Enable/disable debug logging.
Possible values:
debug logging off (Default)1
debug logging on
broker_module=.../ debug=1 ...
Sets group authorization mode.
If GroupAuthorization is strict (default), a user must be a contact on all hosts in the hostgroup in able to see the hostgroup. If GroupAuthorization is loose it is sufficient for the user to be a contact on one of the hosts in the hostgroup.
This is only used for queries using the AuthUser header.
Possible values:
broker_module=.../ group_authorization=strict ...
Set prefix to hide custom variables by prefix.
Possible values: any string value.
broker_module=.../ hidden_custom_var_prefix=SECRET ...
Timeout value for keepalive connections in milliseconds. Defaults to 300000 (300sec).
Possible values: any positive integer value.
broker_module=.../ idle_timeout=300 ...
Make livestatus listen on tcp address.
Possible values: any socket description.
broker_module=.../ inet_addr= ...
Change path to logfile.
Possible values: valid file location
broker_module=.../ log_file=/var/log/livestatus.log ...
Set maximum number of backlog connections. Defaults to 3.
Possible values: any positive integer value.
broker_module=.../ max_backlog=3 ...
Set maximum number of cached log messages. Defaults to 500000.
Possible values: any positive integer value.
broker_module=.../ max_cached_messages=1000000 ...
Set maximum number of lines read from each logfile. Defaults to 1000000.
Possible values: any positive integer value.
broker_module=.../ max_lines_per_logfile=2000000 ...
Sets maximum final response size in bytes. Defaults to 524288000 (500MiB).
Possible values: any positive integer value.
broker_module=.../ max_response_size=1048576000 ...
deprecated: There is no limit of concurrent threads anymore.
Sets path to pnp rrd files. This is used to fill the pnpgraph_present
Possible values: any valid directory location.
broker_module=.../ pnp_path=/var/lib/pnp4nagios/perfdata ...
Sets read timeout for queries in milliseconds. Defaults to 10000 (10sec).
Possible values: any positive integer value.
broker_module=.../ query_timeout=30000 ...
Sets service authorization mode.
Naemon automatically regards a contact for a host also as a contact for all services of that host. We call this method loose. By setting it to strict, one must be an explicitly contact of a service in order to see it when using the AuthUser setting. Please note that Naemon makes all services that do not have any contact at all inherit all contacts of the host - regardless whether this option is set to strict or loose. The default option is loose.
This is only used for queries using the AuthUser header.
Possible values:
broker_module=.../ service_authorization=strict ...
Sets threads stack size in bytes. Defaults to 65536. Read more in man 3 pthread_attr_setstacksize
. There is usually no reason to change this.
Possible values: any positive integer value.
broker_module=.../ thread_stack_size=65536 ...
The following tables are available for livestatus queries:
Column | Type | Description |
description | string | A description of the column |
name | string | The name of the column within the table |
table | string | The name of the table |
type | string | The data type of the column (int, float, string, list) |
Column | Type | Description |
id | int | Command id |
line | string | The shell command line |
name | string | The name of the command |
Column | Type | Description |
host_* | All columns from the hosts table are available via host_ prefix. | |
service_* | All columns from the services table are available via service_ prefix. | |
author | string | The contact that entered the comment |
comment | string | A comment text |
entry_time | int | The time the entry was made as UNIX timestamp |
entry_type | int | The type of the comment: 1 is user, 2 is downtime, 3 is flap and 4 is acknowledgement |
expire_time | int | The time of expiry of this comment as a UNIX timestamp |
expires | int | Whether this comment expires |
id | int | The id of the comment |
is_service | int | 0, if this entry is for a host, 1 if it is for a service |
persistent | int | Whether this comment is persistent (0/1) |
source | int | The source of the comment (0 is internal and 1 is external) |
type | int | The type of the comment: 1 is host, 2 is service |
Column | Type | Description |
alias | string | The alias of the contactgroup |
id | int | Contactgroup id |
members | list | A list of all members of this contactgroup |
name | string | The name of the contactgroup |
Column | Type | Description |
address1 | string | The additional field address1 |
address2 | string | The additional field address2 |
address3 | string | The additional field address3 |
address4 | string | The additional field address4 |
address5 | string | The additional field address5 |
address6 | string | The additional field address6 |
alias | string | The full name of the contact |
can_submit_commands | int | Whether the contact is allowed to submit commands (0/1) |
custom_variable_names | list | A list of all custom variables of the contact |
custom_variable_values | list | A list of the values of all custom variables of the contact |
custom_variables | dict | A dictionary of the custom variables |
string | The email address of the contact | |
groups | list | A list of all contact groups this contact is in |
host_notification_commands | list | A list of all host notifications commands for this contact |
host_notification_period | string | The time period in which the contact will be notified about host problems |
host_notifications_enabled | int | Whether the contact will be notified about host problems in general (0/1) |
id | int | Contact id |
in_host_notification_period | int | Whether the contact is currently in his/her host notification period (0/1) |
in_service_notification_period | int | Whether the contact is currently in his/her service notification period (0/1) |
modified_attributes | int | A bitmask specifying which attributes have been modified |
modified_attributes_list | list | A list of all modified attributes |
name | string | The login name of the contact person |
pager | string | The pager address of the contact |
service_notification_commands | list | A list of all service notifications commands for this contact |
service_notification_period | string | The time period in which the contact will be notified about service problems |
service_notifications_enabled | int | Whether the contact will be notified about service problems in general (0/1) |
Column | Type | Description |
host_* | All columns from the hosts table are available via host_ prefix. | |
service_* | All columns from the services table are available via service_ prefix. | |
author | string | The contact that scheduled the downtime |
comment | string | A comment text |
duration | int | The duration of the downtime in seconds |
end_time | int | The end time of the downtime as UNIX timestamp |
entry_time | int | The time the entry was made as UNIX timestamp |
fixed | int | A 1 if the downtime is fixed, a 0 if it is flexible |
id | int | The id of the downtime |
is_service | int | 0, if this entry is for a host, 1 if it is for a service |
start_time | int | The start time of the downtime as UNIX timestamp |
triggered_by | int | The id of the downtime this downtime was triggered by or 0 if it was not triggered by another downtime |
type | int | The type of the downtime: 0 if it is active, 1 if it is pending |
Column | Type | Description |
action_url | string | An optional URL to custom actions or information about the hostgroup |
alias | string | An alias of the hostgroup |
id | int | Hostgroup id |
members | list | A list of all host names that are members of the hostgroup |
members_with_state | list | A list of all host names that are members of the hostgroup together with state and has_been_checked |
name | string | Name of the hostgroup |
notes | string | Optional notes to the hostgroup |
notes_url | string | An optional URL with further information about the hostgroup |
num_hosts | int | The total number of hosts in the group |
num_hosts_down | int | The number of hosts in the group that are down |
num_hosts_pending | int | The number of hosts in the group that are pending |
num_hosts_unreach | int | The number of hosts in the group that are unreachable |
num_hosts_up | int | The number of hosts in the group that are up |
num_services | int | The total number of services of hosts in this group |
num_services_crit | int | The total number of services with the state CRIT of hosts in this group |
num_services_hard_crit | int | The total number of services with the state CRIT of hosts in this group |
num_services_hard_ok | int | The total number of services with the state OK of hosts in this group |
num_services_hard_unknown | int | The total number of services with the state UNKNOWN of hosts in this group |
num_services_hard_warn | int | The total number of services with the state WARN of hosts in this group |
num_services_ok | int | The total number of services with the state OK of hosts in this group |
num_services_pending | int | The total number of services with the state Pending of hosts in this group |
num_services_unknown | int | The total number of services with the state UNKNOWN of hosts in this group |
num_services_warn | int | The total number of services with the state WARN of hosts in this group |
worst_host_state | int | The worst state of all of the groups' hosts (UP <= UNREACHABLE <= DOWN) |
worst_service_hard_state | int | The worst state of all services that belong to a host of this group (OK <= WARN <= UNKNOWN <= CRIT) |
worst_service_state | int | The worst state of all services that belong to a host of this group (OK <= WARN <= UNKNOWN <= CRIT) |
Column | Type | Description |
accept_passive_checks | int | Whether passive host checks are accepted (0/1) |
acknowledged | int | Whether the current host problem has been acknowledged (0/1) |
acknowledgement_type | int | Type of acknowledgement (0: none, 1: normal, 2: stick) |
action_url | string | An optional URL to custom actions or information about this host |
action_url_expanded | string | The same as action_url, but with the most important macros expanded |
active_checks_enabled | int | Whether active checks are enabled for the host (0/1) |
address | string | IP address |
alias | string | An alias name for the host |
check_command | string | Naemon command for active host check of this host |
check_flapping_recovery_notification | int | Whether to check to send a recovery notification when flapping stops (0/1) |
check_freshness | int | Whether freshness checks are activated (0/1) |
check_interval | float | Number of basic interval lengths between two scheduled checks of the host |
check_options | int | The current check option, forced, normal, freshness... (0-2) |
check_period | string | Time period in which this host will be checked. If empty then the host will always be checked. |
check_source | string | The source of the check |
check_type | int | Type of check (0: active, 1: passive) |
checks_enabled | int | Whether checks of the host are enabled (0/1) |
childs | list | A list of all direct children of the host |
comments | list | A list of the ids of all comments of this host |
comments_with_info | list | A list of all comments of the host with id, author, comment, entry_type, expires and expire_time |
contact_groups | list | A list of all contact groups this host is in |
contacts | list | A list of all contacts of this host, either direct or via a contact group |
current_attempt | int | Number of the current check attempts |
current_notification_number | int | Number of the current notification |
custom_variable_names | list | A list of the names of all custom variables |
custom_variable_values | list | A list of the values of the custom variables |
custom_variables | dict | A dictionary of the custom variables |
depends_exec | list | A list of all hosts this hosts depends on to execute |
depends_exec_with_info | list | A list of all hosts this hosts depends on to execute including information: host_name, failure_options, dependency_period and inherits_parent |
depends_notify | list | A list of all hosts this hosts depends on to notify |
depends_notify_with_info | list | A list of all hosts this hosts depends on to notify including information: host_name, failure_options, dependency_period and inherits_parent |
display_name | string | Optional display name of the host |
downtimes | list | A list of the ids of all scheduled downtimes of this host |
downtimes_with_info | list | A list of all downtimes of the host with id, author, comment, start_time, end_time, fixed, duration and triggered_by |
event_handler | string | Naemon command used as event handler |
event_handler_enabled | int | Whether event handling is enabled (0/1) |
execution_time | float | Time the host check needed for execution |
filename | string | The value of the custom variable FILENAME |
first_notification_delay | float | Delay before the first notification |
flap_detection_enabled | int | Whether flap detection is enabled (0/1) |
groups | list | A list of all host groups this host is in |
hard_state | int | The effective hard state of the host (eliminates a problem in hard_state) |
has_been_checked | int | Whether the host has already been checked (0/1) |
high_flap_threshold | float | High threshold of flap detection |
hourly_value | int | Hourly Value |
icon_image | string | The name of an image file to be used in the web pages |
icon_image_alt | string | Alternative text for the icon_image |
icon_image_expanded | string | The same as icon_image, but with the most important macros expanded |
id | int | Host id |
in_check_period | int | Whether this host is currently in its check period (0/1) |
in_notification_period | int | Whether this host is currently in its notification period (0/1) |
initial_state | int | Initial host state |
is_executing | int | is there a host check currently running... (0/1) |
is_flapping | int | Whether the host state is flapping (0/1) |
last_check | int | Time of the last check (Unix timestamp) |
last_hard_state | int | Last hard state |
last_hard_state_change | int | Time of the last hard state change (Unix timestamp) |
last_notification | int | Time of the last notification (Unix timestamp) |
last_state | int | State before last state change |
last_state_change | int | Time of the last state change - soft or hard (Unix timestamp) |
last_time_down | int | The last time the host was DOWN (Unix timestamp) |
last_time_unreachable | int | The last time the host was UNREACHABLE (Unix timestamp) |
last_time_up | int | The last time the host was UP (Unix timestamp) |
last_update | int | Time of the last update of this host (Unix timestamp) |
latency | float | Time difference between scheduled check time and actual check time |
long_plugin_output | string | Complete output from check plugin |
low_flap_threshold | float | Low threshold of flap detection |
max_check_attempts | int | Max check attempts for active host checks |
modified_attributes | int | A bitmask specifying which attributes have been modified |
modified_attributes_list | list | A list of all modified attributes |
name | string | Host name |
next_check | int | Scheduled time for the next check (Unix timestamp) |
next_notification | int | Time of the next notification (Unix timestamp) |
no_more_notifications | int | Whether to stop sending notifications (0/1) |
notes | string | Optional notes for this host |
notes_expanded | string | The same as notes, but with the most important macros expanded |
notes_url | string | An optional URL with further information about the host |
notes_url_expanded | string | Same as notes_url, but with the most important macros expanded |
notification_interval | float | Interval of periodic notification or 0 if its off |
notification_period | string | Time period in which problems of this host will be notified. If empty then notification will be always |
notifications_enabled | int | Whether notifications of the host are enabled (0/1) |
notified_on | int | Flags determining which states have been notified on |
num_services | int | The total number of services of the host |
num_services_crit | int | The number of the host's services with the soft state CRIT |
num_services_hard_crit | int | The number of the host's services with the hard state CRIT |
num_services_hard_ok | int | The number of the host's services with the hard state OK |
num_services_hard_unknown | int | The number of the host's services with the hard state UNKNOWN |
num_services_hard_warn | int | The number of the host's services with the hard state WARN |
num_services_ok | int | The number of the host's services with the soft state OK |
num_services_pending | int | The number of the host's services which have not been checked yet (pending) |
num_services_unknown | int | The number of the host's services with the soft state UNKNOWN |
num_services_warn | int | The number of the host's services with the soft state WARN |
obsess | int | The current obsess setting... (0/1) |
obsess_over_host | int | The current obsess setting... (0/1) |
parents | list | A list of all direct parents of the host |
pending_flex_downtime | int | Whether a flex downtime is pending (0/1) |
percent_state_change | float | Percent state change |
perf_data | string | Optional performance data of the last host check |
plugin_output | string | Output of the last host check |
pnpgraph_present | int | Whether there is a PNP4Nagios graph present for this host (0/1) |
process_performance_data | int | Whether processing of performance data is enabled (0/1) |
retry_interval | float | Number of basic interval lengths between checks when retrying after a soft error |
scheduled_downtime_depth | int | The number of downtimes this host is currently in |
services | list | A list of all services of the host |
services_with_info | list | A list of all services including detailed information about each service |
services_with_state | list | A list of all services of the host together with state and has_been_checked |
should_be_scheduled | int | Whether naemon still tries to run checks on this host (0/1) |
staleness | float | Staleness indicator for this host |
state | int | The current state of the host (0: up, 1: down, 2: unreachable) |
state_type | int | Type of the current state (0: soft, 1: hard) |
statusmap_image | string | The name of in image file for the status map |
total_services | int | The total number of services of the host |
worst_service_hard_state | int | The worst hard state of all of the host's services (OK <= WARN <= UNKNOWN <= CRIT) |
worst_service_state | int | The worst soft state of all of the host's services (OK <= WARN <= UNKNOWN <= CRIT) |
x_3d | float | 3D-Coordinates: X |
y_3d | float | 3D-Coordinates: Y |
z_3d | float | 3D-Coordinates: Z |
Column | Type | Description |
accept_passive_checks | int | Whether passive host checks are accepted (0/1) |
acknowledged | int | Whether the current host problem has been acknowledged (0/1) |
acknowledgement_type | int | Type of acknowledgement (0: none, 1: normal, 2: stick) |
action_url | string | An optional URL to custom actions or information about this host |
action_url_expanded | string | The same as action_url, but with the most important macros expanded |
active_checks_enabled | int | Whether active checks are enabled for the host (0/1) |
address | string | IP address |
alias | string | An alias name for the host |
check_command | string | Naemon command for active host check of this host |
check_flapping_recovery_notification | int | Whether to check to send a recovery notification when flapping stops (0/1) |
check_freshness | int | Whether freshness checks are activated (0/1) |
check_interval | float | Number of basic interval lengths between two scheduled checks of the host |
check_options | int | The current check option, forced, normal, freshness... (0-2) |
check_period | string | Time period in which this host will be checked. If empty then the host will always be checked. |
check_source | string | The source of the check |
check_type | int | Type of check (0: active, 1: passive) |
checks_enabled | int | Whether checks of the host are enabled (0/1) |
childs | list | A list of all direct children of the host |
comments | list | A list of the ids of all comments of this host |
comments_with_info | list | A list of all comments of the host with id, author, comment, entry_type, expires and expire_time |
contact_groups | list | A list of all contact groups this host is in |
contacts | list | A list of all contacts of this host, either direct or via a contact group |
current_attempt | int | Number of the current check attempts |
current_notification_number | int | Number of the current notification |
custom_variable_names | list | A list of the names of all custom variables |
custom_variable_values | list | A list of the values of the custom variables |
custom_variables | dict | A dictionary of the custom variables |
depends_exec | list | A list of all hosts this hosts depends on to execute |
depends_exec_with_info | list | A list of all hosts this hosts depends on to execute including information: host_name, failure_options, dependency_period and inherits_parent |
depends_notify | list | A list of all hosts this hosts depends on to notify |
depends_notify_with_info | list | A list of all hosts this hosts depends on to notify including information: host_name, failure_options, dependency_period and inherits_parent |
display_name | string | Optional display name of the host |
downtimes | list | A list of the ids of all scheduled downtimes of this host |
downtimes_with_info | list | A list of all downtimes of the host with id, author, comment, start_time, end_time, fixed, duration and triggered_by |
event_handler | string | Naemon command used as event handler |
event_handler_enabled | int | Whether event handling is enabled (0/1) |
execution_time | float | Time the host check needed for execution |
filename | string | The value of the custom variable FILENAME |
first_notification_delay | float | Delay before the first notification |
flap_detection_enabled | int | Whether flap detection is enabled (0/1) |
groups | list | A list of all host groups this host is in |
hard_state | int | The effective hard state of the host (eliminates a problem in hard_state) |
has_been_checked | int | Whether the host has already been checked (0/1) |
high_flap_threshold | float | High threshold of flap detection |
hostgroup_action_url | string | An optional URL to custom actions or information about the hostgroup |
hostgroup_alias | string | An alias of the hostgroup |
hostgroup_id | int | Hostgroup id |
hostgroup_members | list | A list of all host names that are members of the hostgroup |
hostgroup_members_with_state | list | A list of all host names that are members of the hostgroup together with state and has_been_checked |
hostgroup_name | string | Name of the hostgroup |
hostgroup_notes | string | Optional notes to the hostgroup |
hostgroup_notes_url | string | An optional URL with further information about the hostgroup |
hostgroup_num_hosts | int | The total number of hosts in the group |
hostgroup_num_hosts_down | int | The number of hosts in the group that are down |
hostgroup_num_hosts_pending | int | The number of hosts in the group that are pending |
hostgroup_num_hosts_unreach | int | The number of hosts in the group that are unreachable |
hostgroup_num_hosts_up | int | The number of hosts in the group that are up |
hostgroup_num_services | int | The total number of services of hosts in this group |
hostgroup_num_services_crit | int | The total number of services with the state CRIT of hosts in this group |
hostgroup_num_services_hard_crit | int | The total number of services with the state CRIT of hosts in this group |
hostgroup_num_services_hard_ok | int | The total number of services with the state OK of hosts in this group |
hostgroup_num_services_hard_unknown | int | The total number of services with the state UNKNOWN of hosts in this group |
hostgroup_num_services_hard_warn | int | The total number of services with the state WARN of hosts in this group |
hostgroup_num_services_ok | int | The total number of services with the state OK of hosts in this group |
hostgroup_num_services_pending | int | The total number of services with the state Pending of hosts in this group |
hostgroup_num_services_unknown | int | The total number of services with the state UNKNOWN of hosts in this group |
hostgroup_num_services_warn | int | The total number of services with the state WARN of hosts in this group |
hostgroup_worst_host_state | int | The worst state of all of the groups' hosts (UP <= UNREACHABLE <= DOWN) |
hostgroup_worst_service_hard_state | int | The worst state of all services that belong to a host of this group (OK <= WARN <= UNKNOWN <= CRIT) |
hostgroup_worst_service_state | int | The worst state of all services that belong to a host of this group (OK <= WARN <= UNKNOWN <= CRIT) |
hourly_value | int | Hourly Value |
icon_image | string | The name of an image file to be used in the web pages |
icon_image_alt | string | Alternative text for the icon_image |
icon_image_expanded | string | The same as icon_image, but with the most important macros expanded |
id | int | Host id |
in_check_period | int | Whether this host is currently in its check period (0/1) |
in_notification_period | int | Whether this host is currently in its notification period (0/1) |
initial_state | int | Initial host state |
is_executing | int | is there a host check currently running... (0/1) |
is_flapping | int | Whether the host state is flapping (0/1) |
last_check | int | Time of the last check (Unix timestamp) |
last_hard_state | int | Last hard state |
last_hard_state_change | int | Time of the last hard state change (Unix timestamp) |
last_notification | int | Time of the last notification (Unix timestamp) |
last_state | int | State before last state change |
last_state_change | int | Time of the last state change - soft or hard (Unix timestamp) |
last_time_down | int | The last time the host was DOWN (Unix timestamp) |
last_time_unreachable | int | The last time the host was UNREACHABLE (Unix timestamp) |
last_time_up | int | The last time the host was UP (Unix timestamp) |
last_update | int | Time of the last update of this host (Unix timestamp) |
latency | float | Time difference between scheduled check time and actual check time |
long_plugin_output | string | Complete output from check plugin |
low_flap_threshold | float | Low threshold of flap detection |
max_check_attempts | int | Max check attempts for active host checks |
modified_attributes | int | A bitmask specifying which attributes have been modified |
modified_attributes_list | list | A list of all modified attributes |
name | string | Host name |
next_check | int | Scheduled time for the next check (Unix timestamp) |
next_notification | int | Time of the next notification (Unix timestamp) |
no_more_notifications | int | Whether to stop sending notifications (0/1) |
notes | string | Optional notes for this host |
notes_expanded | string | The same as notes, but with the most important macros expanded |
notes_url | string | An optional URL with further information about the host |
notes_url_expanded | string | Same as notes_url, but with the most important macros expanded |
notification_interval | float | Interval of periodic notification or 0 if its off |
notification_period | string | Time period in which problems of this host will be notified. If empty then notification will be always |
notifications_enabled | int | Whether notifications of the host are enabled (0/1) |
notified_on | int | Flags determining which states have been notified on |
num_services | int | The total number of services of the host |
num_services_crit | int | The number of the host's services with the soft state CRIT |
num_services_hard_crit | int | The number of the host's services with the hard state CRIT |
num_services_hard_ok | int | The number of the host's services with the hard state OK |
num_services_hard_unknown | int | The number of the host's services with the hard state UNKNOWN |
num_services_hard_warn | int | The number of the host's services with the hard state WARN |
num_services_ok | int | The number of the host's services with the soft state OK |
num_services_pending | int | The number of the host's services which have not been checked yet (pending) |
num_services_unknown | int | The number of the host's services with the soft state UNKNOWN |
num_services_warn | int | The number of the host's services with the soft state WARN |
obsess | int | The current obsess setting... (0/1) |
obsess_over_host | int | The current obsess setting... (0/1) |
parents | list | A list of all direct parents of the host |
pending_flex_downtime | int | Whether a flex downtime is pending (0/1) |
percent_state_change | float | Percent state change |
perf_data | string | Optional performance data of the last host check |
plugin_output | string | Output of the last host check |
pnpgraph_present | int | Whether there is a PNP4Nagios graph present for this host (0/1) |
process_performance_data | int | Whether processing of performance data is enabled (0/1) |
retry_interval | float | Number of basic interval lengths between checks when retrying after a soft error |
scheduled_downtime_depth | int | The number of downtimes this host is currently in |
services | list | A list of all services of the host |
services_with_info | list | A list of all services including detailed information about each service |
services_with_state | list | A list of all services of the host together with state and has_been_checked |
should_be_scheduled | int | Whether naemon still tries to run checks on this host (0/1) |
staleness | float | Staleness indicator for this host |
state | int | The current state of the host (0: up, 1: down, 2: unreachable) |
state_type | int | Type of the current state (0: soft, 1: hard) |
statusmap_image | string | The name of in image file for the status map |
total_services | int | The total number of services of the host |
worst_service_hard_state | int | The worst hard state of all of the host's services (OK <= WARN <= UNKNOWN <= CRIT) |
worst_service_state | int | The worst soft state of all of the host's services (OK <= WARN <= UNKNOWN <= CRIT) |
x_3d | float | 3D-Coordinates: X |
y_3d | float | 3D-Coordinates: Y |
z_3d | float | 3D-Coordinates: Z |
Column | Type | Description |
host_* | All columns from the hosts table are available via current_host_ prefix. | |
service_* | All columns from the services table are available via current_service_ prefix. | |
attempt | int | The number of the check attempt |
class | int | The class of the message as integer (0:info, 1:state, 2:program, 3:notification, 4:passive, 5:command) |
command_name | string | The name of the command of the log entry (e.g. for notifications) |
comment | string | A comment field used in various message types |
contact_name | string | The name of the contact the log entry is about (might be empty) |
host_name | string | The name of the host the log entry is about (might be empty) |
lineno | int | The number of the line in the log file |
message | string | The complete message line including the timestamp |
options | string | The part of the message after the ':' |
plugin_output | string | The output of the check, if any is associated with the message |
service_description | string | The description of the service log entry is about (might be empty) |
state | int | The state of the host or service in question |
state_type | string | The type of the state (varies on different log classes) |
time | int | Time of the log event (UNIX timestamp) |
type | string | The type of the message (text before the colon), the message itself for info messages |
Column | Type | Description |
action_url | string | An optional URL to custom notes or actions on the service group |
alias | string | An alias of the service group |
id | int | Servicegroup id |
members | list | A list of all members of the service group as host/service pairs |
members_with_state | list | A list of all members of the service group with state and has_been_checked |
name | string | The name of the service group |
notes | string | Optional additional notes about the service group |
notes_url | string | An optional URL to further notes on the service group |
num_services | int | The total number of services in the group |
num_services_crit | int | The number of services in the group that are CRIT |
num_services_hard_crit | int | The number of services in the group that are CRIT |
num_services_hard_ok | int | The number of services in the group that are OK |
num_services_hard_unknown | int | The number of services in the group that are UNKNOWN |
num_services_hard_warn | int | The number of services in the group that are WARN |
num_services_ok | int | The number of services in the group that are OK |
num_services_pending | int | The number of services in the group that are PENDING |
num_services_unknown | int | The number of services in the group that are UNKNOWN |
num_services_warn | int | The number of services in the group that are WARN |
worst_service_state | int | The worst soft state of all of the groups services (OK <= WARN <= UNKNOWN <= CRIT) |
Column | Type | Description |
host_* | All columns from the hosts table are available via host_ prefix. | |
accept_passive_checks | int | Whether the service accepts passive checks (0/1) |
acknowledged | int | Whether the current service problem has been acknowledged (0/1) |
acknowledgement_type | int | The type of the acknowledgement (0: none, 1: normal, 2: sticky) |
action_url | string | An optional URL for actions or custom information about the service |
action_url_expanded | string | The action_url with (the most important) macros expanded |
active_checks_enabled | int | Whether active checks are enabled for the service (0/1) |
check_command | string | Naemon command used for active checks |
check_freshness | int | Whether freshness checks are activated (0/1) |
check_interval | float | Number of basic interval lengths between two scheduled checks of the service |
check_options | int | The current check option, forced, normal, freshness... (0/1) |
check_period | string | The name of the check period of the service. It this is empty, the service is always checked. |
check_source | string | The source of the check |
check_type | int | The type of the last check (0: active, 1: passive) |
checks_enabled | int | Whether active checks are enabled for the service (0/1) |
comments | list | A list of all comment ids of the service |
comments_with_info | list | A list of all comments of the service with id, author, comment, entry_type, expires and expire_time |
contact_groups | list | A list of all contact groups this service is in |
contacts | list | A list of all contacts of the service, either direct or via a contact group |
current_attempt | int | The number of the current check attempt |
current_notification_number | int | The number of the current notification |
custom_variable_names | list | A list of the names of all custom variables of the service |
custom_variable_values | list | A list of the values of all custom variable of the service |
custom_variables | dict | A dictionary of the custom variables |
depends_exec | list | A list of all services this service depends on to execute |
depends_exec_with_info | list | A list of all services this service depends on to execute including information: host_name, service_description, failure_options, dependency_period and inherits_parent |
depends_notify | list | A list of all services this service depends on to notify |
depends_notify_with_info | list | A list of all services this service depends on to notify including information: host_name, service_description, failure_options, dependency_period and inherits_parent |
description | string | Description of the service (also used as key) |
display_name | string | An optional display name |
downtimes | list | A list of all downtime ids of the service |
downtimes_with_info | list | A list of all downtimes of the service with id, author, comment, start_time, end_time, fixed, duration and triggered_by |
event_handler | string | Naemon command used as event handler |
event_handler_enabled | int | Whether and event handler is activated for the service (0/1) |
execution_time | float | Time the service check needed for execution |
first_notification_delay | float | Delay before the first notification |
flap_detection_enabled | int | Whether flap detection is enabled for the service (0/1) |
groups | list | A list of all service groups the service is in |
has_been_checked | int | Whether the service already has been checked (0/1) |
high_flap_threshold | float | High threshold of flap detection |
hourly_value | int | Hourly Value |
icon_image | string | The name of an image to be used as icon in the web interface |
icon_image_alt | string | An alternative text for the icon_image for browsers not displaying icons |
icon_image_expanded | string | The icon_image with (the most important) macros expanded |
id | int | Service id |
in_check_period | int | Whether the service is currently in its check period (0/1) |
in_notification_period | int | Whether the service is currently in its notification period (0/1) |
initial_state | int | The initial state of the service |
is_executing | int | is there a service check currently running... (0/1) |
is_flapping | int | Whether the service is flapping (0/1) |
last_check | int | The time of the last check (Unix timestamp) |
last_hard_state | int | The last hard state of the service |
last_hard_state_change | int | The time of the last hard state change (Unix timestamp) |
last_notification | int | The time of the last notification (Unix timestamp) |
last_state | int | The last state of the service |
last_state_change | int | The time of the last state change (Unix timestamp) |
last_time_critical | int | The last time the service was CRITICAL (Unix timestamp) |
last_time_ok | int | The last time the service was OK (Unix timestamp) |
last_time_unknown | int | The last time the service was UNKNOWN (Unix timestamp) |
last_time_warning | int | The last time the service was in WARNING state (Unix timestamp) |
last_update | int | Time of the last update of this service (Unix timestamp) |
latency | float | Time difference between scheduled check time and actual check time |
long_plugin_output | string | Unabbreviated output of the last check plugin |
low_flap_threshold | float | Low threshold of flap detection |
max_check_attempts | int | The maximum number of check attempts |
modified_attributes | int | A bitmask specifying which attributes have been modified |
modified_attributes_list | list | A list of all modified attributes |
next_check | int | The scheduled time of the next check (Unix timestamp) |
next_notification | int | The time of the next notification (Unix timestamp) |
no_more_notifications | int | Whether to stop sending notifications (0/1) |
notes | string | Optional notes about the service |
notes_expanded | string | The notes with (the most important) macros expanded |
notes_url | string | An optional URL for additional notes about the service |
notes_url_expanded | string | The notes_url with (the most important) macros expanded |
notification_interval | float | Interval of periodic notification or 0 if its off |
notification_period | string | The name of the notification period of the service. It this is empty, service problems are always notified. |
notifications_enabled | int | Whether notifications are enabled for the service (0/1) |
notified_on | int | Flags determining which states have been notified on |
obsess | int | Whether 'obsess' is enabled for the service (0/1) |
obsess_over_service | int | Whether 'obsess' is enabled for the service (0/1) |
parents | list | A list of all parent services |
percent_state_change | float | Percent state change |
perf_data | string | Performance data of the last check plugin |
plugin_output | string | Output of the last check plugin |
pnpgraph_present | int | Whether there is a PNP4Nagios graph present for this service (0/1) |
process_performance_data | int | Whether processing of performance data is enabled for the service (0/1) |
retry_interval | float | Number of basic interval lengths between checks when retrying after a soft error |
scheduled_downtime_depth | int | The number of scheduled downtimes the service is currently in |
should_be_scheduled | int | Whether naemon still tries to run checks on this service (0/1) |
staleness | float | The staleness indicator for this service |
state | int | The current state of the service (0: OK, 1: WARN, 2: CRITICAL, 3: UNKNOWN) |
state_type | int | The type of the current state (0: soft, 1: hard) |
Column | Type | Description |
accept_passive_checks | int | Whether the service accepts passive checks (0/1) |
acknowledged | int | Whether the current service problem has been acknowledged (0/1) |
acknowledgement_type | int | The type of the acknowledgement (0: none, 1: normal, 2: sticky) |
action_url | string | An optional URL for actions or custom information about the service |
action_url_expanded | string | The action_url with (the most important) macros expanded |
active_checks_enabled | int | Whether active checks are enabled for the service (0/1) |
check_command | string | Naemon command used for active checks |
check_freshness | int | Whether freshness checks are activated (0/1) |
check_interval | float | Number of basic interval lengths between two scheduled checks of the service |
check_options | int | The current check option, forced, normal, freshness... (0/1) |
check_period | string | The name of the check period of the service. It this is empty, the service is always checked. |
check_source | string | The source of the check |
check_type | int | The type of the last check (0: active, 1: passive) |
checks_enabled | int | Whether active checks are enabled for the service (0/1) |
comments | list | A list of all comment ids of the service |
comments_with_info | list | A list of all comments of the service with id, author, comment, entry_type, expires and expire_time |
contact_groups | list | A list of all contact groups this service is in |
contacts | list | A list of all contacts of the service, either direct or via a contact group |
current_attempt | int | The number of the current check attempt |
current_notification_number | int | The number of the current notification |
custom_variable_names | list | A list of the names of all custom variables of the service |
custom_variable_values | list | A list of the values of all custom variable of the service |
custom_variables | dict | A dictionary of the custom variables |
depends_exec | list | A list of all services this service depends on to execute |
depends_exec_with_info | list | A list of all services this service depends on to execute including information: host_name, service_description, failure_options, dependency_period and inherits_parent |
depends_notify | list | A list of all services this service depends on to notify |
depends_notify_with_info | list | A list of all services this service depends on to notify including information: host_name, service_description, failure_options, dependency_period and inherits_parent |
description | string | Description of the service (also used as key) |
display_name | string | An optional display name |
downtimes | list | A list of all downtime ids of the service |
downtimes_with_info | list | A list of all downtimes of the service with id, author, comment, start_time, end_time, fixed, duration and triggered_by |
event_handler | string | Naemon command used as event handler |
event_handler_enabled | int | Whether and event handler is activated for the service (0/1) |
execution_time | float | Time the service check needed for execution |
first_notification_delay | float | Delay before the first notification |
flap_detection_enabled | int | Whether flap detection is enabled for the service (0/1) |
groups | list | A list of all service groups the service is in |
has_been_checked | int | Whether the service already has been checked (0/1) |
high_flap_threshold | float | High threshold of flap detection |
host_accept_passive_checks | int | Whether passive host checks are accepted (0/1) |
host_acknowledged | int | Whether the current host problem has been acknowledged (0/1) |
host_acknowledgement_type | int | Type of acknowledgement (0: none, 1: normal, 2: stick) |
host_action_url | string | An optional URL to custom actions or information about this host |
host_action_url_expanded | string | The same as action_url, but with the most important macros expanded |
host_active_checks_enabled | int | Whether active checks are enabled for the host (0/1) |
host_address | string | IP address |
host_alias | string | An alias name for the host |
host_check_command | string | Naemon command for active host check of this host |
host_check_flapping_recovery_notification | int | Whether to check to send a recovery notification when flapping stops (0/1) |
host_check_freshness | int | Whether freshness checks are activated (0/1) |
host_check_interval | float | Number of basic interval lengths between two scheduled checks of the host |
host_check_options | int | The current check option, forced, normal, freshness... (0-2) |
host_check_period | string | Time period in which this host will be checked. If empty then the host will always be checked. |
host_check_source | string | The source of the check |
host_check_type | int | Type of check (0: active, 1: passive) |
host_checks_enabled | int | Whether checks of the host are enabled (0/1) |
host_childs | list | A list of all direct children of the host |
host_comments | list | A list of the ids of all comments of this host |
host_comments_with_info | list | A list of all comments of the host with id, author, comment, entry_type, expires and expire_time |
host_contact_groups | list | A list of all contact groups this host is in |
host_contacts | list | A list of all contacts of this host, either direct or via a contact group |
host_current_attempt | int | Number of the current check attempts |
host_current_notification_number | int | Number of the current notification |
host_custom_variable_names | list | A list of the names of all custom variables |
host_custom_variable_values | list | A list of the values of the custom variables |
host_custom_variables | dict | A dictionary of the custom variables |
host_depends_exec | list | A list of all hosts this hosts depends on to execute |
host_depends_exec_with_info | list | A list of all hosts this hosts depends on to execute including information: host_name, failure_options, dependency_period and inherits_parent |
host_depends_notify | list | A list of all hosts this hosts depends on to notify |
host_depends_notify_with_info | list | A list of all hosts this hosts depends on to notify including information: host_name, failure_options, dependency_period and inherits_parent |
host_display_name | string | Optional display name of the host |
host_downtimes | list | A list of the ids of all scheduled downtimes of this host |
host_downtimes_with_info | list | A list of all downtimes of the host with id, author, comment, start_time, end_time, fixed, duration and triggered_by |
host_event_handler | string | Naemon command used as event handler |
host_event_handler_enabled | int | Whether event handling is enabled (0/1) |
host_execution_time | float | Time the host check needed for execution |
host_filename | string | The value of the custom variable FILENAME |
host_first_notification_delay | float | Delay before the first notification |
host_flap_detection_enabled | int | Whether flap detection is enabled (0/1) |
host_groups | list | A list of all host groups this host is in |
host_hard_state | int | The effective hard state of the host (eliminates a problem in hard_state) |
host_has_been_checked | int | Whether the host has already been checked (0/1) |
host_high_flap_threshold | float | High threshold of flap detection |
host_hourly_value | int | Hourly Value |
host_icon_image | string | The name of an image file to be used in the web pages |
host_icon_image_alt | string | Alternative text for the icon_image |
host_icon_image_expanded | string | The same as icon_image, but with the most important macros expanded |
host_id | int | Host id |
host_in_check_period | int | Whether this host is currently in its check period (0/1) |
host_in_notification_period | int | Whether this host is currently in its notification period (0/1) |
host_initial_state | int | Initial host state |
host_is_executing | int | is there a host check currently running... (0/1) |
host_is_flapping | int | Whether the host state is flapping (0/1) |
host_last_check | int | Time of the last check (Unix timestamp) |
host_last_hard_state | int | Last hard state |
host_last_hard_state_change | int | Time of the last hard state change (Unix timestamp) |
host_last_notification | int | Time of the last notification (Unix timestamp) |
host_last_state | int | State before last state change |
host_last_state_change | int | Time of the last state change - soft or hard (Unix timestamp) |
host_last_time_down | int | The last time the host was DOWN (Unix timestamp) |
host_last_time_unreachable | int | The last time the host was UNREACHABLE (Unix timestamp) |
host_last_time_up | int | The last time the host was UP (Unix timestamp) |
host_last_update | int | Time of the last update of this host (Unix timestamp) |
host_latency | float | Time difference between scheduled check time and actual check time |
host_long_plugin_output | string | Complete output from check plugin |
host_low_flap_threshold | float | Low threshold of flap detection |
host_max_check_attempts | int | Max check attempts for active host checks |
host_modified_attributes | int | A bitmask specifying which attributes have been modified |
host_modified_attributes_list | list | A list of all modified attributes |
host_name | string | Host name |
host_next_check | int | Scheduled time for the next check (Unix timestamp) |
host_next_notification | int | Time of the next notification (Unix timestamp) |
host_no_more_notifications | int | Whether to stop sending notifications (0/1) |
host_notes | string | Optional notes for this host |
host_notes_expanded | string | The same as notes, but with the most important macros expanded |
host_notes_url | string | An optional URL with further information about the host |
host_notes_url_expanded | string | Same as notes_url, but with the most important macros expanded |
host_notification_interval | float | Interval of periodic notification or 0 if its off |
host_notification_period | string | Time period in which problems of this host will be notified. If empty then notification will be always |
host_notifications_enabled | int | Whether notifications of the host are enabled (0/1) |
host_notified_on | int | Flags determining which states have been notified on |
host_num_services | int | The total number of services of the host |
host_num_services_crit | int | The number of the host's services with the soft state CRIT |
host_num_services_hard_crit | int | The number of the host's services with the hard state CRIT |
host_num_services_hard_ok | int | The number of the host's services with the hard state OK |
host_num_services_hard_unknown | int | The number of the host's services with the hard state UNKNOWN |
host_num_services_hard_warn | int | The number of the host's services with the hard state WARN |
host_num_services_ok | int | The number of the host's services with the soft state OK |
host_num_services_pending | int | The number of the host's services which have not been checked yet (pending) |
host_num_services_unknown | int | The number of the host's services with the soft state UNKNOWN |
host_num_services_warn | int | The number of the host's services with the soft state WARN |
host_obsess | int | The current obsess setting... (0/1) |
host_obsess_over_host | int | The current obsess setting... (0/1) |
host_parents | list | A list of all direct parents of the host |
host_pending_flex_downtime | int | Whether a flex downtime is pending (0/1) |
host_percent_state_change | float | Percent state change |
host_perf_data | string | Optional performance data of the last host check |
host_plugin_output | string | Output of the last host check |
host_pnpgraph_present | int | Whether there is a PNP4Nagios graph present for this host (0/1) |
host_process_performance_data | int | Whether processing of performance data is enabled (0/1) |
host_retry_interval | float | Number of basic interval lengths between checks when retrying after a soft error |
host_scheduled_downtime_depth | int | The number of downtimes this host is currently in |
host_services | list | A list of all services of the host |
host_services_with_info | list | A list of all services including detailed information about each service |
host_services_with_state | list | A list of all services of the host together with state and has_been_checked |
host_should_be_scheduled | int | Whether naemon still tries to run checks on this host (0/1) |
host_staleness | float | Staleness indicator for this host |
host_state | int | The current state of the host (0: up, 1: down, 2: unreachable) |
host_state_type | int | Type of the current state (0: soft, 1: hard) |
host_statusmap_image | string | The name of in image file for the status map |
host_total_services | int | The total number of services of the host |
host_worst_service_hard_state | int | The worst hard state of all of the host's services (OK <= WARN <= UNKNOWN <= CRIT) |
host_worst_service_state | int | The worst soft state of all of the host's services (OK <= WARN <= UNKNOWN <= CRIT) |
host_x_3d | float | 3D-Coordinates: X |
host_y_3d | float | 3D-Coordinates: Y |
host_z_3d | float | 3D-Coordinates: Z |
hourly_value | int | Hourly Value |
icon_image | string | The name of an image to be used as icon in the web interface |
icon_image_alt | string | An alternative text for the icon_image for browsers not displaying icons |
icon_image_expanded | string | The icon_image with (the most important) macros expanded |
id | int | Service id |
in_check_period | int | Whether the service is currently in its check period (0/1) |
in_notification_period | int | Whether the service is currently in its notification period (0/1) |
initial_state | int | The initial state of the service |
is_executing | int | is there a service check currently running... (0/1) |
is_flapping | int | Whether the service is flapping (0/1) |
last_check | int | The time of the last check (Unix timestamp) |
last_hard_state | int | The last hard state of the service |
last_hard_state_change | int | The time of the last hard state change (Unix timestamp) |
last_notification | int | The time of the last notification (Unix timestamp) |
last_state | int | The last state of the service |
last_state_change | int | The time of the last state change (Unix timestamp) |
last_time_critical | int | The last time the service was CRITICAL (Unix timestamp) |
last_time_ok | int | The last time the service was OK (Unix timestamp) |
last_time_unknown | int | The last time the service was UNKNOWN (Unix timestamp) |
last_time_warning | int | The last time the service was in WARNING state (Unix timestamp) |
last_update | int | Time of the last update of this service (Unix timestamp) |
latency | float | Time difference between scheduled check time and actual check time |
long_plugin_output | string | Unabbreviated output of the last check plugin |
low_flap_threshold | float | Low threshold of flap detection |
max_check_attempts | int | The maximum number of check attempts |
modified_attributes | int | A bitmask specifying which attributes have been modified |
modified_attributes_list | list | A list of all modified attributes |
next_check | int | The scheduled time of the next check (Unix timestamp) |
next_notification | int | The time of the next notification (Unix timestamp) |
no_more_notifications | int | Whether to stop sending notifications (0/1) |
notes | string | Optional notes about the service |
notes_expanded | string | The notes with (the most important) macros expanded |
notes_url | string | An optional URL for additional notes about the service |
notes_url_expanded | string | The notes_url with (the most important) macros expanded |
notification_interval | float | Interval of periodic notification or 0 if its off |
notification_period | string | The name of the notification period of the service. It this is empty, service problems are always notified. |
notifications_enabled | int | Whether notifications are enabled for the service (0/1) |
notified_on | int | Flags determining which states have been notified on |
obsess | int | Whether 'obsess' is enabled for the service (0/1) |
obsess_over_service | int | Whether 'obsess' is enabled for the service (0/1) |
parents | list | A list of all parent services |
percent_state_change | float | Percent state change |
perf_data | string | Performance data of the last check plugin |
plugin_output | string | Output of the last check plugin |
pnpgraph_present | int | Whether there is a PNP4Nagios graph present for this service (0/1) |
process_performance_data | int | Whether processing of performance data is enabled for the service (0/1) |
retry_interval | float | Number of basic interval lengths between checks when retrying after a soft error |
scheduled_downtime_depth | int | The number of scheduled downtimes the service is currently in |
servicegroup_action_url | string | An optional URL to custom notes or actions on the service group |
servicegroup_alias | string | An alias of the service group |
servicegroup_id | int | Servicegroup id |
servicegroup_members | list | A list of all members of the service group as host/service pairs |
servicegroup_members_with_state | list | A list of all members of the service group with state and has_been_checked |
servicegroup_name | string | The name of the service group |
servicegroup_notes | string | Optional additional notes about the service group |
servicegroup_notes_url | string | An optional URL to further notes on the service group |
servicegroup_num_services | int | The total number of services in the group |
servicegroup_num_services_crit | int | The number of services in the group that are CRIT |
servicegroup_num_services_hard_crit | int | The number of services in the group that are CRIT |
servicegroup_num_services_hard_ok | int | The number of services in the group that are OK |
servicegroup_num_services_hard_unknown | int | The number of services in the group that are UNKNOWN |
servicegroup_num_services_hard_warn | int | The number of services in the group that are WARN |
servicegroup_num_services_ok | int | The number of services in the group that are OK |
servicegroup_num_services_pending | int | The number of services in the group that are PENDING |
servicegroup_num_services_unknown | int | The number of services in the group that are UNKNOWN |
servicegroup_num_services_warn | int | The number of services in the group that are WARN |
servicegroup_worst_service_state | int | The worst soft state of all of the groups services (OK <= WARN <= UNKNOWN <= CRIT) |
should_be_scheduled | int | Whether naemon still tries to run checks on this service (0/1) |
staleness | float | The staleness indicator for this service |
state | int | The current state of the service (0: OK, 1: WARN, 2: CRITICAL, 3: UNKNOWN) |
state_type | int | The type of the current state (0: soft, 1: hard) |
Column | Type | Description |
accept_passive_checks | int | Whether the service accepts passive checks (0/1) |
acknowledged | int | Whether the current service problem has been acknowledged (0/1) |
acknowledgement_type | int | The type of the acknowledgement (0: none, 1: normal, 2: sticky) |
action_url | string | An optional URL for actions or custom information about the service |
action_url_expanded | string | The action_url with (the most important) macros expanded |
active_checks_enabled | int | Whether active checks are enabled for the service (0/1) |
check_command | string | Naemon command used for active checks |
check_freshness | int | Whether freshness checks are activated (0/1) |
check_interval | float | Number of basic interval lengths between two scheduled checks of the service |
check_options | int | The current check option, forced, normal, freshness... (0/1) |
check_period | string | The name of the check period of the service. It this is empty, the service is always checked. |
check_source | string | The source of the check |
check_type | int | The type of the last check (0: active, 1: passive) |
checks_enabled | int | Whether active checks are enabled for the service (0/1) |
comments | list | A list of all comment ids of the service |
comments_with_info | list | A list of all comments of the service with id, author, comment, entry_type, expires and expire_time |
contact_groups | list | A list of all contact groups this service is in |
contacts | list | A list of all contacts of the service, either direct or via a contact group |
current_attempt | int | The number of the current check attempt |
current_notification_number | int | The number of the current notification |
custom_variable_names | list | A list of the names of all custom variables of the service |
custom_variable_values | list | A list of the values of all custom variable of the service |
custom_variables | dict | A dictionary of the custom variables |
depends_exec | list | A list of all services this service depends on to execute |
depends_exec_with_info | list | A list of all services this service depends on to execute including information: host_name, service_description, failure_options, dependency_period and inherits_parent |
depends_notify | list | A list of all services this service depends on to notify |
depends_notify_with_info | list | A list of all services this service depends on to notify including information: host_name, service_description, failure_options, dependency_period and inherits_parent |
description | string | Description of the service (also used as key) |
display_name | string | An optional display name |
downtimes | list | A list of all downtime ids of the service |
downtimes_with_info | list | A list of all downtimes of the service with id, author, comment, start_time, end_time, fixed, duration and triggered_by |
event_handler | string | Naemon command used as event handler |
event_handler_enabled | int | Whether and event handler is activated for the service (0/1) |
execution_time | float | Time the service check needed for execution |
first_notification_delay | float | Delay before the first notification |
flap_detection_enabled | int | Whether flap detection is enabled for the service (0/1) |
groups | list | A list of all service groups the service is in |
has_been_checked | int | Whether the service already has been checked (0/1) |
high_flap_threshold | float | High threshold of flap detection |
host_accept_passive_checks | int | Whether passive host checks are accepted (0/1) |
host_acknowledged | int | Whether the current host problem has been acknowledged (0/1) |
host_acknowledgement_type | int | Type of acknowledgement (0: none, 1: normal, 2: stick) |
host_action_url | string | An optional URL to custom actions or information about this host |
host_action_url_expanded | string | The same as action_url, but with the most important macros expanded |
host_active_checks_enabled | int | Whether active checks are enabled for the host (0/1) |
host_address | string | IP address |
host_alias | string | An alias name for the host |
host_check_command | string | Naemon command for active host check of this host |
host_check_flapping_recovery_notification | int | Whether to check to send a recovery notification when flapping stops (0/1) |
host_check_freshness | int | Whether freshness checks are activated (0/1) |
host_check_interval | float | Number of basic interval lengths between two scheduled checks of the host |
host_check_options | int | The current check option, forced, normal, freshness... (0-2) |
host_check_period | string | Time period in which this host will be checked. If empty then the host will always be checked. |
host_check_source | string | The source of the check |
host_check_type | int | Type of check (0: active, 1: passive) |
host_checks_enabled | int | Whether checks of the host are enabled (0/1) |
host_childs | list | A list of all direct children of the host |
host_comments | list | A list of the ids of all comments of this host |
host_comments_with_info | list | A list of all comments of the host with id, author, comment, entry_type, expires and expire_time |
host_contact_groups | list | A list of all contact groups this host is in |
host_contacts | list | A list of all contacts of this host, either direct or via a contact group |
host_current_attempt | int | Number of the current check attempts |
host_current_notification_number | int | Number of the current notification |
host_custom_variable_names | list | A list of the names of all custom variables |
host_custom_variable_values | list | A list of the values of the custom variables |
host_custom_variables | dict | A dictionary of the custom variables |
host_depends_exec | list | A list of all hosts this hosts depends on to execute |
host_depends_exec_with_info | list | A list of all hosts this hosts depends on to execute including information: host_name, failure_options, dependency_period and inherits_parent |
host_depends_notify | list | A list of all hosts this hosts depends on to notify |
host_depends_notify_with_info | list | A list of all hosts this hosts depends on to notify including information: host_name, failure_options, dependency_period and inherits_parent |
host_display_name | string | Optional display name of the host |
host_downtimes | list | A list of the ids of all scheduled downtimes of this host |
host_downtimes_with_info | list | A list of all downtimes of the host with id, author, comment, start_time, end_time, fixed, duration and triggered_by |
host_event_handler | string | Naemon command used as event handler |
host_event_handler_enabled | int | Whether event handling is enabled (0/1) |
host_execution_time | float | Time the host check needed for execution |
host_filename | string | The value of the custom variable FILENAME |
host_first_notification_delay | float | Delay before the first notification |
host_flap_detection_enabled | int | Whether flap detection is enabled (0/1) |
host_groups | list | A list of all host groups this host is in |
host_hard_state | int | The effective hard state of the host (eliminates a problem in hard_state) |
host_has_been_checked | int | Whether the host has already been checked (0/1) |
host_high_flap_threshold | float | High threshold of flap detection |
host_hourly_value | int | Hourly Value |
host_icon_image | string | The name of an image file to be used in the web pages |
host_icon_image_alt | string | Alternative text for the icon_image |
host_icon_image_expanded | string | The same as icon_image, but with the most important macros expanded |
host_id | int | Host id |
host_in_check_period | int | Whether this host is currently in its check period (0/1) |
host_in_notification_period | int | Whether this host is currently in its notification period (0/1) |
host_initial_state | int | Initial host state |
host_is_executing | int | is there a host check currently running... (0/1) |
host_is_flapping | int | Whether the host state is flapping (0/1) |
host_last_check | int | Time of the last check (Unix timestamp) |
host_last_hard_state | int | Last hard state |
host_last_hard_state_change | int | Time of the last hard state change (Unix timestamp) |
host_last_notification | int | Time of the last notification (Unix timestamp) |
host_last_state | int | State before last state change |
host_last_state_change | int | Time of the last state change - soft or hard (Unix timestamp) |
host_last_time_down | int | The last time the host was DOWN (Unix timestamp) |
host_last_time_unreachable | int | The last time the host was UNREACHABLE (Unix timestamp) |
host_last_time_up | int | The last time the host was UP (Unix timestamp) |
host_last_update | int | Time of the last update of this host (Unix timestamp) |
host_latency | float | Time difference between scheduled check time and actual check time |
host_long_plugin_output | string | Complete output from check plugin |
host_low_flap_threshold | float | Low threshold of flap detection |
host_max_check_attempts | int | Max check attempts for active host checks |
host_modified_attributes | int | A bitmask specifying which attributes have been modified |
host_modified_attributes_list | list | A list of all modified attributes |
host_name | string | Host name |
host_next_check | int | Scheduled time for the next check (Unix timestamp) |
host_next_notification | int | Time of the next notification (Unix timestamp) |
host_no_more_notifications | int | Whether to stop sending notifications (0/1) |
host_notes | string | Optional notes for this host |
host_notes_expanded | string | The same as notes, but with the most important macros expanded |
host_notes_url | string | An optional URL with further information about the host |
host_notes_url_expanded | string | Same as notes_url, but with the most important macros expanded |
host_notification_interval | float | Interval of periodic notification or 0 if its off |
host_notification_period | string | Time period in which problems of this host will be notified. If empty then notification will be always |
host_notifications_enabled | int | Whether notifications of the host are enabled (0/1) |
host_notified_on | int | Flags determining which states have been notified on |
host_num_services | int | The total number of services of the host |
host_num_services_crit | int | The number of the host's services with the soft state CRIT |
host_num_services_hard_crit | int | The number of the host's services with the hard state CRIT |
host_num_services_hard_ok | int | The number of the host's services with the hard state OK |
host_num_services_hard_unknown | int | The number of the host's services with the hard state UNKNOWN |
host_num_services_hard_warn | int | The number of the host's services with the hard state WARN |
host_num_services_ok | int | The number of the host's services with the soft state OK |
host_num_services_pending | int | The number of the host's services which have not been checked yet (pending) |
host_num_services_unknown | int | The number of the host's services with the soft state UNKNOWN |
host_num_services_warn | int | The number of the host's services with the soft state WARN |
host_obsess | int | The current obsess setting... (0/1) |
host_obsess_over_host | int | The current obsess setting... (0/1) |
host_parents | list | A list of all direct parents of the host |
host_pending_flex_downtime | int | Whether a flex downtime is pending (0/1) |
host_percent_state_change | float | Percent state change |
host_perf_data | string | Optional performance data of the last host check |
host_plugin_output | string | Output of the last host check |
host_pnpgraph_present | int | Whether there is a PNP4Nagios graph present for this host (0/1) |
host_process_performance_data | int | Whether processing of performance data is enabled (0/1) |
host_retry_interval | float | Number of basic interval lengths between checks when retrying after a soft error |
host_scheduled_downtime_depth | int | The number of downtimes this host is currently in |
host_services | list | A list of all services of the host |
host_services_with_info | list | A list of all services including detailed information about each service |
host_services_with_state | list | A list of all services of the host together with state and has_been_checked |
host_should_be_scheduled | int | Whether naemon still tries to run checks on this host (0/1) |
host_staleness | float | Staleness indicator for this host |
host_state | int | The current state of the host (0: up, 1: down, 2: unreachable) |
host_state_type | int | Type of the current state (0: soft, 1: hard) |
host_statusmap_image | string | The name of in image file for the status map |
host_total_services | int | The total number of services of the host |
host_worst_service_hard_state | int | The worst hard state of all of the host's services (OK <= WARN <= UNKNOWN <= CRIT) |
host_worst_service_state | int | The worst soft state of all of the host's services (OK <= WARN <= UNKNOWN <= CRIT) |
host_x_3d | float | 3D-Coordinates: X |
host_y_3d | float | 3D-Coordinates: Y |
host_z_3d | float | 3D-Coordinates: Z |
hostgroup_action_url | string | An optional URL to custom actions or information about the hostgroup |
hostgroup_alias | string | An alias of the hostgroup |
hostgroup_id | int | Hostgroup id |
hostgroup_members | list | A list of all host names that are members of the hostgroup |
hostgroup_members_with_state | list | A list of all host names that are members of the hostgroup together with state and has_been_checked |
hostgroup_name | string | Name of the hostgroup |
hostgroup_notes | string | Optional notes to the hostgroup |
hostgroup_notes_url | string | An optional URL with further information about the hostgroup |
hostgroup_num_hosts | int | The total number of hosts in the group |
hostgroup_num_hosts_down | int | The number of hosts in the group that are down |
hostgroup_num_hosts_pending | int | The number of hosts in the group that are pending |
hostgroup_num_hosts_unreach | int | The number of hosts in the group that are unreachable |
hostgroup_num_hosts_up | int | The number of hosts in the group that are up |
hostgroup_num_services | int | The total number of services of hosts in this group |
hostgroup_num_services_crit | int | The total number of services with the state CRIT of hosts in this group |
hostgroup_num_services_hard_crit | int | The total number of services with the state CRIT of hosts in this group |
hostgroup_num_services_hard_ok | int | The total number of services with the state OK of hosts in this group |
hostgroup_num_services_hard_unknown | int | The total number of services with the state UNKNOWN of hosts in this group |
hostgroup_num_services_hard_warn | int | The total number of services with the state WARN of hosts in this group |
hostgroup_num_services_ok | int | The total number of services with the state OK of hosts in this group |
hostgroup_num_services_pending | int | The total number of services with the state Pending of hosts in this group |
hostgroup_num_services_unknown | int | The total number of services with the state UNKNOWN of hosts in this group |
hostgroup_num_services_warn | int | The total number of services with the state WARN of hosts in this group |
hostgroup_worst_host_state | int | The worst state of all of the groups' hosts (UP <= UNREACHABLE <= DOWN) |
hostgroup_worst_service_hard_state | int | The worst state of all services that belong to a host of this group (OK <= WARN <= UNKNOWN <= CRIT) |
hostgroup_worst_service_state | int | The worst state of all services that belong to a host of this group (OK <= WARN <= UNKNOWN <= CRIT) |
hourly_value | int | Hourly Value |
icon_image | string | The name of an image to be used as icon in the web interface |
icon_image_alt | string | An alternative text for the icon_image for browsers not displaying icons |
icon_image_expanded | string | The icon_image with (the most important) macros expanded |
id | int | Service id |
in_check_period | int | Whether the service is currently in its check period (0/1) |
in_notification_period | int | Whether the service is currently in its notification period (0/1) |
initial_state | int | The initial state of the service |
is_executing | int | is there a service check currently running... (0/1) |
is_flapping | int | Whether the service is flapping (0/1) |
last_check | int | The time of the last check (Unix timestamp) |
last_hard_state | int | The last hard state of the service |
last_hard_state_change | int | The time of the last hard state change (Unix timestamp) |
last_notification | int | The time of the last notification (Unix timestamp) |
last_state | int | The last state of the service |
last_state_change | int | The time of the last state change (Unix timestamp) |
last_time_critical | int | The last time the service was CRITICAL (Unix timestamp) |
last_time_ok | int | The last time the service was OK (Unix timestamp) |
last_time_unknown | int | The last time the service was UNKNOWN (Unix timestamp) |
last_time_warning | int | The last time the service was in WARNING state (Unix timestamp) |
last_update | int | Time of the last update of this service (Unix timestamp) |
latency | float | Time difference between scheduled check time and actual check time |
long_plugin_output | string | Unabbreviated output of the last check plugin |
low_flap_threshold | float | Low threshold of flap detection |
max_check_attempts | int | The maximum number of check attempts |
modified_attributes | int | A bitmask specifying which attributes have been modified |
modified_attributes_list | list | A list of all modified attributes |
next_check | int | The scheduled time of the next check (Unix timestamp) |
next_notification | int | The time of the next notification (Unix timestamp) |
no_more_notifications | int | Whether to stop sending notifications (0/1) |
notes | string | Optional notes about the service |
notes_expanded | string | The notes with (the most important) macros expanded |
notes_url | string | An optional URL for additional notes about the service |
notes_url_expanded | string | The notes_url with (the most important) macros expanded |
notification_interval | float | Interval of periodic notification or 0 if its off |
notification_period | string | The name of the notification period of the service. It this is empty, service problems are always notified. |
notifications_enabled | int | Whether notifications are enabled for the service (0/1) |
notified_on | int | Flags determining which states have been notified on |
obsess | int | Whether 'obsess' is enabled for the service (0/1) |
obsess_over_service | int | Whether 'obsess' is enabled for the service (0/1) |
parents | list | A list of all parent services |
percent_state_change | float | Percent state change |
perf_data | string | Performance data of the last check plugin |
plugin_output | string | Output of the last check plugin |
pnpgraph_present | int | Whether there is a PNP4Nagios graph present for this service (0/1) |
process_performance_data | int | Whether processing of performance data is enabled for the service (0/1) |
retry_interval | float | Number of basic interval lengths between checks when retrying after a soft error |
scheduled_downtime_depth | int | The number of scheduled downtimes the service is currently in |
should_be_scheduled | int | Whether naemon still tries to run checks on this service (0/1) |
staleness | float | The staleness indicator for this service |
state | int | The current state of the service (0: OK, 1: WARN, 2: CRITICAL, 3: UNKNOWN) |
state_type | int | The type of the current state (0: soft, 1: hard) |
Column | Type | Description |
host_* | All columns from the hosts table are available via current_host_ prefix. | |
service_* | All columns from the services table are available via current_service_ prefix. | |
debug_info | string | Debug information |
duration | int | Duration of state (until - from) |
duration_critical | int | CRITICAL duration of state (until - from) |
duration_ok | int | OK duration of state ( until - from ) |
duration_part | float | Duration part in regard to the query timeframe |
duration_part_critical | float | CRITICAL duration part in regard to the query timeframe |
duration_part_ok | float | OK duration part in regard to the query timeframe |
duration_part_unknown | float | UNKNOWN duration part in regard to the query timeframe |
duration_part_unmonitored | float | UNMONITORED duration part in regard to the query timeframe |
duration_part_warning | float | WARNING duration part in regard to the query timeframe |
duration_unknown | int | UNKNOWN duration of state (until - from) |
duration_unmonitored | int | UNMONITORED duration of state (until - from) |
duration_warning | int | WARNING duration of state (until - from) |
from | int | Start time of state (seconds since 1/1/1970) |
host_down | int | Shows if the host of this service is down |
host_name | string | Host name |
in_downtime | int | Shows if the host or service is in downtime |
in_host_downtime | int | Shows if the host of this service is in downtime |
in_notification_period | int | Shows if the host or service is within its notification period |
in_service_period | int | Shows if the host or service is within its service period |
is_flapping | int | Shows if the host or service is flapping |
lineno | int | The number of the line in the log file |
log_output | string | Logfile output relevant for this state |
notification_period | string | The notification period of the host or service in question |
service_description | string | Description of the service |
service_period | string | The service period of the host or service in question |
state | int | The state of the host or service in question - OK(0) / WARNING(1) / CRITICAL(2) / UNKNOWN(3) / UNMONITORED(-1) |
time | int | Time of the log event (seconds since 1/1/1970) |
until | int | End time of state (seconds since 1/1/1970) |
Column | Type | Description |
accept_passive_host_checks | int | Whether passive host checks are accepted in general (0/1) |
accept_passive_service_checks | int | Whether passive service checks are activated in general (0/1) |
cached_log_messages | int | The current number of log messages Naemon Livestatus keeps in memory |
check_external_commands | int | Whether Naemon checks for external commands at its command pipe (0/1) |
check_host_freshness | int | Whether host freshness checking is activated in general (0/1) |
check_service_freshness | int | Whether service freshness checking is activated in general (0/1) |
connections | int | The number of client connections to Livestatus since program start |
connections_rate | float | The averaged number of new client connections to Livestatus per second |
enable_event_handlers | int | Whether event handlers are activated in general (0/1) |
enable_flap_detection | int | Whether flap detection is activated in general (0/1) |
enable_notifications | int | Whether notifications are enabled in general (0/1) |
execute_host_checks | int | Whether host checks are executed in general (0/1) |
execute_service_checks | int | Whether active service checks are activated in general (0/1) |
forks | int | The number of process creations since program start |
forks_rate | float | the averaged number of forks checks per second |
host_checks | int | The number of host checks since program start |
host_checks_rate | float | the averaged number of host checks per second |
interval_length | int | The default interval length from naemon.cfg |
last_command_check | int | The time of the last check for a command as UNIX timestamp (deprecated) |
last_log_rotation | int | Time time of the last log file rotation |
livecheck_overflows | int | The number of times a check could not be executed because now livecheck helper was free |
livecheck_overflows_rate | float | The number of livecheck overflows per second |
livechecks | int | The number of checks executed via livecheck |
livechecks_rate | float | The averaged number of livechecks executed per second |
livestatus_version | string | The version of the Naemon Livestatus module |
log_messages | int | The number of new log messages since program start |
log_messages_rate | float | the averaged number of new log messages per second |
nagios_pid | int | The process ID of the Naemon main process |
neb_callbacks | int | The number of NEB call backs since program start |
neb_callbacks_rate | float | The averaged number of NEB call backs per second |
num_hosts | int | The total number of hosts |
num_services | int | The total number of services |
obsess_over_hosts | int | Whether Naemon will obsess over host checks (0/1) |
obsess_over_services | int | Whether Naemon will obsess over service checks and run the ocsp_command (0/1) |
process_performance_data | int | Whether processing of performance data is activated in general (0/1) |
program_start | int | The time of the last program start as UNIX timestamp |
program_version | string | The version of the monitoring daemon |
requests | int | The number of requests to Livestatus since program start |
requests_rate | float | The averaged number of request to Livestatus per second |
service_checks | int | The number of completed service checks since program start |
service_checks_rate | float | The averaged number of service checks per second |
Column | Type | Description |
alias | string | The alias of the timeperiod |
days | list | Time per days, as 7 lists (sun-sat) of a list of even number of elements, representing start,stop,start,stop... in seconds since midnight |
exceptions_calendar_dates | list | List of objects representing exceptions for DATERANGE_CALENDAR_DATE. For time ranges, see "days" column. |
exceptions_month_date | list | List of objects representing exceptions for DATERANGE_MONTH_DATE. For time ranges, see "days" column. |
exceptions_month_day | list | List of objects representing exceptions for DATERANGE_MONTH_DAY. For time ranges, see "days" column. |
exceptions_month_week_day | list | List of objects representing exceptions for DATERANGE_MONTH_WEEK_DAY. For time ranges, see "days" column. |
exceptions_week_day | list | List of objects representing exceptions for DATERANGE_WEEK_DAY. For time ranges, see "days" column. |
exclusions | list | Exclusions for this timeperiod |
id | int | Timeperiod id |
in | int | Whether we are currently in this period (0/1) |
name | string | The name of the timeperiod |