Addon PNP4Nagios Quickstart
See Also
This guide will help you install PNP4Nagios which gives you graphs for your performance data well integrated with Thruk. Since most package for PNP4Nagios requires Nagios we will have to build it from source. Please don't panic, this guide will help you step by step to add one of the most important addons to Naemon.
These instructions were written for:
- PNP4Nagios 0.6.24
- Ubuntu Server
- CentOS Server
- Redhat Server
- Debian Server
- SUSE Linux Enterprise Server
Install instruction
1 - Install dependencies
Redhat / CentOS
yum install gcc-c++ rrdtool perl-Time-HiRes perl-rrdtool php-gd php php-cli wget
Debian / Ubuntu
apt-get install make rrdtool librrds-perl g++ php5-cli php5-gd libapache2-mod-php5
zypper install gcc-c++ rrdtool php53-gd php53 apache2-mod_php53 php53-zlib php53-sockets
2 - Download PNP4Nagios
cd ~/
mkdir src
cd src
3 - Extract PNP4Nagios source
tar -xzvf pnp4nagios-0.6.24.tar.gz -C /usr/local/src/
4 - Build and install PNP4Nagios
cd /usr/local/src/pnp4nagios-0.6.24/
./configure --with-nagios-user=naemon --with-nagios-group=naemon
make all
make install
make install-webconf
make install-config
make install-init
5 - Start npcd with OS (and right now)
Redhat / CentOS
chkconfig npcd on
service npcd start
Debian / Ubuntu
update-rc.d npcd defaults
service npcd start
chkconfig -a npcd
service npcd start
6 - Modify pnp4nagios.cfg for Naemon
Redhat / CentOS
vi /etc/httpd/conf.d/pnp4nagios.conf
Ubuntu 13.10
mv /etc/httpd/conf.d/pnp4nagios.conf /etc/apache2/conf-available
ln -sf /etc/apache2/conf-available/pnp4nagios.conf /etc/apache2/conf-enabled/pnp4nagios.conf
vi /etc/apache2/conf-available/pnp4nagios.conf
Debian / Ubuntu / SLES
vi /etc/apache2/conf.d/pnp4nagios.conf
edit row: AuthName "Nagios Access"
replace with: AuthName "Naemon Access"
edit row: AuthUserFile /usr/local/nagios/etc/htpasswd.users
replace with: AuthUserFile /etc/naemon/htpasswd
7 - Modify config_local.php for Naemon
vi /usr/local/pnp4nagios/etc/config_local.php
edit row: $conf['nagios_base'] = "/nagios/cgi-bin";
replace with: $conf['nagios_base'] = "/naemon/cgi-bin";
8 - Enable Naemon performance data
vi /etc/naemon/naemon.cfg
edit row: process_performance_data=0"
replace with: process_performance_data=1"
Add the following entries at the bottom of /etc/naemon/naemon.cfg to setup performance data settings
# service performance data
9 - Add process performance commands
vi /etc/naemon/conf.d/commands.cfg
Add the following entries at the bottom of /etc/naemon/conf.d/commands.cfg
define command{
command_name process-service-perfdata-file
command_line /bin/mv /usr/local/pnp4nagios/var/service-perfdata /usr/local/pnp4nagios/var/spool/service-perfdata.$TIMET$
define command{
command_name process-host-perfdata-file
command_line /bin/mv /usr/local/pnp4nagios/var/host-perfdata /usr/local/pnp4nagios/var/spool/host-perfdata.$TIMET$
10 - Add host performance template
vi /etc/naemon/conf.d/templates/hosts.cfg
Add the following entries at the bottom of /etc/naemon/conf.d/templates/hosts.cfg
define host {
name host-pnp
process_perf_data 1
action_url /pnp4nagios/index.php/graph?host=$HOSTNAME$&srv=_HOST_' class='tips' rel='/pnp4nagios/index.php/popup?host=$HOSTNAME$&srv=_HOST_
register 0
After macro expansion, the action_url
value is inserted verbatim into an <a href='action_url'>
, so the strange quoting is a trick to add extra parameters in HTML.
11 - Add service performance template
vi /etc/naemon/conf.d/templates/services.cfg
Add the following entries at the bottom of /etc/naemon/conf.d/templates/services.cfg
define service {
name service-pnp
process_perf_data 1
action_url /pnp4nagios/index.php/graph?host=$HOSTNAME$&srv=$SERVICEDESC$' class='tips' rel='/pnp4nagios/index.php/popup?host=$HOSTNAME$&srv=$SERVICEDESC$
register 0
12 - Restart services
Redhat / CentOS
service httpd restart
service naemon restart
Debian / Ubuntu / SLES
service apache2 restart
service naemon restart
13 - Verify installation of PNP4Nagios
Browse http://server/pnp4nagios and authenticate and verify that everything are OK, fix problems as they occur
14 - Remove PNP4Nagios installation file
rm /usr/local/pnp4nagios/share/install.php
15 - Add performance templates to your host and services
Simply add host-pnp to your host or service-pnp to your services to enable graphs. You can add several templates for each host and service definition.
Host example
define host {
host_name localhost
alias localhost
use linux-server,host-pnp ; Name of host template to use
Service example
define service {
service_description Current Load
host_name localhost
use local-service,service-pnp ; Name of service template to use
check_command check_local_load!5.0,4.0,3.0!10.0,6.0,4.0